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         The HK Project was founded by students of Global Leadership Adventures in 2012. GLA is a program that allows high school students to travel to culturally diverse countries and offers a unique service-learning abroad experience. The volunteer projects are devoted primarily to one community per program in which the GLA members dedicate their work to help improve the neighborhood with collaborative efforts. In Tanzania, GLA members volunteered at the Himo-Korona Primary School. During their service, the volunteers in Tanzania plant trees to beautify the barren school grounds and also to protect the schoolchildren from wandering into the shrubbery and being pricked with thorns. Another concern is that the school has no fence, so many locals use the courtyard, where the children play at recess, as a shortcut and will speed by on their motorcycles which poses as a danger to the students. In the past, GLA students have also built a kitchen that is used everyday to prepare lunch for the schoolchildren. The kitchen is an essential component to the school because for the some of the kids, it is sadly the only meal they receive that day. In addition to planting trees on the school grounds, the GLA members teach English in the classrooms. These are just some of the examples of the service projects GLA does for Himo-Korona Primary School. In the summer of 2012, participants of GLA Tanzania were inspired by their life-changing experience and were motivated to continue to help the Himo-Korona school. Their bonds with the students and passion drove them to create "The HK Project."

Last year, they raised $5500. They are planning to put the money towards electricity, a copy machine, and new desks. This year, members of the GLA Tanzania 2013 program have the same fire of enthusiasism to support the school. We hope to match (or exceed) last year's proceeds and work on more improvements for the Himo-Korona School.


Future Goals

        We strive to continue fundraising in innovative ways. We will still be collecting donations; however members of The HK Proejct have proposed new ideas for fundraising that we hope to put into action this year. For example, a major project we want to begin ASAP is selling silicone bracelets.The bracelets will have "The HK Project" engraved on them and will raise awareness about the cause. In addition, many of the students involved are having bake sales at their high schools. Also, students of GLA have taken the initiative in developing a logo that incorporates elements to accurately portray our cause. The logo will be posted on the website upon completion. We aim to expand our ideas and spread the word about The HK Project. Far along down the road, we believe The HK Project has the potential to expand to other schools in Tanzania. We hope that The HK Project will continue to progress in the future and make a difference in an increasing number of lives.



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